As an author, I have a ton of fun doing interviews. Today, I'm on a mission. I want to interview as many teens as I can. After all, if I'm writing a new series for y'all, I should get to know you, right?
So here's the deal. If you choose to answer the interview questions, I'll use your name in the series! Sound like fun? I think so ;)
Okay, let's get started!
1) Name:
2) Age:
3) What is your favorite video game? Name your favorite trick, trick, attack, weapon, or action you love in the game. (Example: Halo2; Drive cool cars.)
4) What is your favorite book? Name a favorite scene. (Example: Vampirates; One of the twins beats up 2 assassins with a frying pan.)
5) What is your favorite music/band/group? Name one of your favorite songs. (Example: The Academy Is; Slow Down)
6) What is your favorite Movie? Name one scene you loved. (Example: Pirates of the Caribbean 2--Dead Man's Chest; When Jack Sparrow runs from the cannibals.)
7) What do you say when something bad happens? (Example: Bummer!)When something good happens? (Example: Nifty!)
8) What do you jokingly call your friends? (Example: Doorknob!)
9) If you could genentically evolve into a super-human, what would you change? (Example: Breathe under water.)
Thank you so much for taking the time to let me interview you! I'll keep y'all posted on how the series is going. If you want to get a glimpse at a short writing exercise I did years ago that I'm using as a sort of launching pad for brainstorming this new series, you can see it here on my website.
Looking forward to reading your responses!
Raw Love
19 hours ago
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