Saturday, December 05, 2009

A Christmas Story: Christmas at the North Pole Compound

I enjoy looking at old family photos, a favorite showing me as a preschooler ripping into my small pile of gifts beneath the now-classic 1950s silver Christmas tree.

To a child, there's nothing more exciting than the arrival of Santa, the glow of the colored lights, and the sparkle of a lit tree. There's not much that can diminish the joy of the holiday--except if someone tried to stop Christmas.

As I enjoy writing, and reading, mysteries, I had to wonder, what would happen if – gasp – a crime wave hit the North Pole?

That's the premise of my new short story, "Christmas at the North Pole Compound," being released Dec. 5 (today) from Echelon Shorts.

In the story, Chief Elf Investigator Finius Flaherty is not only alarmed by the decrease of Christmas cheer (it's enough to threaten Rudolph's ability to pull the sleigh, he says!), but is even more disappointed that crime has come to the North Pole – and is most likely an inside job.

*** Read more and check out an excerpt at Echelon Shorts.

*** BUY: Christmas at the North Pole Compound"

* See the elves and 12 Days of Christmas in Miniature at Candid Canine

1 comment:

Norm Cowie said...

It's that dude with the glowing nose, right? I always suspected him of being a suspicious venison.
