So many PET PEEVES, so little time. Okay, here’s the latest.
Squirrels. And, no, I don’t consider them pets...just peeves! Not ordinary squirrels. These pests climb my almost three-story deck to feast on sunflower seeds meant for the cardinals, golden finches, woodpeckers and various other colorful birds that are, in turn, meant to entertain us.
Instead of yellow, red, and blue birds, we get ugly gray squirrels hanging on the feeder...feeding their ugly appetites.
It’s gotten so bad, that my husband spotted one the other day spread-eagled, all four feet clinging to the feeder...fast asleep! The brazen little varmint got so dang full, he had to take a nap!
Imagine his surprise when sweet dreams about rivers of acorns were interrupted by a plastic flyswatter bopping him on the head. Mr. Piggy Squirrel turned into Rocky, the Flying Squirrel.
I can just hear him complaining about the management: “What kinda B & B is this, anyway? Can’t a guy have some lunch and take a little nap in peace?”
Please...anyone, let me know if you have a solution, or if you just want to post your pet peeve of the week. Comments always welcome!
Author, Mary Cunningham is the author of the award-winning series, “Cynthia’s Attic.” The fourth book in the series, The Magician’s Castle, will be published by Quake, Dec. 1.
Squirrels. And, no, I don’t consider them pets...just peeves! Not ordinary squirrels. These pests climb my almost three-story deck to feast on sunflower seeds meant for the cardinals, golden finches, woodpeckers and various other colorful birds that are, in turn, meant to entertain us.
Instead of yellow, red, and blue birds, we get ugly gray squirrels hanging on the feeder...feeding their ugly appetites.
It’s gotten so bad, that my husband spotted one the other day spread-eagled, all four feet clinging to the feeder...fast asleep! The brazen little varmint got so dang full, he had to take a nap!
Imagine his surprise when sweet dreams about rivers of acorns were interrupted by a plastic flyswatter bopping him on the head. Mr. Piggy Squirrel turned into Rocky, the Flying Squirrel.
I can just hear him complaining about the management: “What kinda B & B is this, anyway? Can’t a guy have some lunch and take a little nap in peace?”
Please...anyone, let me know if you have a solution, or if you just want to post your pet peeve of the week. Comments always welcome!
Author, Mary Cunningham is the author of the award-winning series, “Cynthia’s Attic.” The fourth book in the series, The Magician’s Castle, will be published by Quake, Dec. 1.
Better to eat your bird food than your house! These pesky critters have been gnawing through our wood and vacationing in our attic. They don't even pay rent!
My worst fear, Joyce! We've been told that as bold as they are about coming up to the top deck, they'll be in our house before we know it!
Hate to give up the bird feeder, but it may come to that. Thanks for the comment (I think!)
most attractive solution, unless of course you get creative with the paint set, but you can wrap a piece of sheet metal around the post in a cone to keep them from climbing up. (Smearing petroleum jelly on the pole might work too lol)
Or you could try putting out dry corn cobs for them to nibble instead.
Good luck!
The feeder hangs out from our deck so it's easy for them to climb on the deck railing and jump to the feeder.
Someone suggested adding hot pepper flakes to the seed, which worked for a day or two until the squirrels decided they liked it.
I'm ready to try the corn cob thing, though. Thanks for the suggestions!
Ask Amy Alessio if she has any squirrel recipes.
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