Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Teens as Inventors

Some people are scratching their heads at this title, probably thinking, "Huh?"

Because when the word inventor is brought up, a teen is probably not the first picture that pops into one's mind. Most likely, it's the picture of an adult that does.

But that is where one would be wrong. Because, all of you teens out there, you can be inventors too! One of the keys to being an inventor is creativity - the ability to think outside the box to form new ideas that have not previously been, well, thought-of or invented. And creativity is something that teens definitely have!

So I guess the message that I'm trying to get across here is that a person, or you, don't have to be an adult to be an inventor. One simply needs some determination to succeed. Remember, Thomas Edison didn't invent the lightbulb on the first try.

What about all you guys? What's your opinion on teens as inventors?

Alyssa Montgomery
Author of Where Are You?, Mr. Mysterious, and 9:53 PM (from the Heat of the Moment Anthology).


Legendary Lights said...

Teen inventors. Hmmm. I'm thinking more about teen entrepreneurs.

Certainly teen AUTHORS are inventors, right? You should know...


Unknown said...

I liked your post alot.Me myself being a teenager think that it is something we should all think over.I'd me happy if you would check out my blog too..its about 1 month old.:) http://miss-randum.blogspot.com/

Unknown said...

Your never to young or old to create or invent or use your imagination!

MCouzin said...

We had a few teens enter our Young Inventor Challenge at the Chicago Toy and Game Fair. One of the winners is having his game reviewed by Hasbro. For the press release, visit http://www.lundandcompany.com/press-releases/135-lund-announces-yic-winners.html
We will be running the Challenge again this year.

Mary Couzin
Chicago Toy and Game Fair